2025 UNITE Program
UNITE is a pre-collegiate summer experience for talented high school students from groups historically underrepresented and underserved in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It will take place at the Department of Physics of the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras campus (02-27 June 2025). UNITE encourages students to pursue college majors and careers in engineering and other STEM-related fields through a program of focused hands-on rigorous academics, enrichment, and career exploration.
UNITE targets rising 9th through 12th grade students. Student applications for 2025 summer programs will be accepted until 3 April 2024. Applications will be reviwed during 4 - 30 April, and on 1 May the notifications will be sent to the selected participants. Students accepted into a program receive support and enrichment designed to best help them achieve their goals of higher education and careers in STEM.
Students that are interested in participating of the UNITE Program (9th - 12th grade students) must fully complete the application form and submit it with a copy of their academic record (recent report card, unofficial transcript or official transcript) before 3rd April 2024.
To be considered for the UNITE program students must meet two of the criteria listed below:
- Student self-identifies as qualifying for free or reduced-cost lunch
- Student self-identifies as a minority historically underrepresented in STEM (Alaskan Native, Native American, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander)
- English is a second language for the student
- Student is a potential first-generation college-bound student (parents did not attend college)
- Student attends a rural or frontier school or a school/program selected for Federal-targeted outreach
The application form and a copy of the academic record must be submitted electronically to:
unite@fisica.uprrp.eduor alternatively to:
Dr. Peter Feng